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What is  SAPPHIRE Hair Transplant?

The surgical procedure of hair transplantation has developed over the last few years.

The increase in technological advances has marked and evolved hair transplant techniques. The FUE Sapphire hair transplant is a new innovation in the FUE hair transplant technique.

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is considered one of the most sophisticated and innovative methods of hair transplantation. This hair implantation technique ensures a light technical act.

FUE Sapphire hair transplantation is minimally invasive and ensures a natural result. The FUE carries the lowest possible risk of harming and damaging the scalp in the transplanted area with the utilization of special devices with sapphire blades.

The Sapphire FUE hair transplant is related to the technique of opening channel ( incisions ) in the recipient area. The procedure is performed by special sapphire blades with super fine needles.this way to make tiny and very small slits with the same size as the diameter of the grafts.
Rather than in slits, the hair follicles are transplanted into three-dimensional channels created with very fine needles.

The advantages of using Sapphire Blades:

The incisions on the scalp made with a sapphire blade are much slender comparing to the incisions made with standard instruments. The result can be accurate clean and minimal scalp trauma which speeds the healing and lessen scarring.

Due to the composition of Sapphire knife Sapphire blades or Sapphire knifes from single crystal, synthetic sapphires (Al2O3), it won’t have metal ion reactivity.

The precision of the incision as this instrument is clear and allows the surgeon to see the tissue under the knife’s edge.

Sapphire hair transplantation blade tools must be applicated by specialist surgeon.

At Léa, the opening channel phase are done by using Sapphire Blades and only performed by Dr Arslan.

Step 1. Extraction phase : Grafts Harvesting

Step 1. Extraction phase : Grafts Harvesting

In FUE hair transplant, donor area (the area where the grafts are extracted) has limits:

The number of follicles removing is determined according to the patient’s age, the potential evolution of his baldness. The limited or unlimited capacity of the donor area… The goal is not to extract at all costs a spectacular number of grafts.

For example, the patient’s age, his alopecia profile, or the capacity of the donor area. We must be careful with the arguments, put forward on websites and in some centres that are often catchy but don’t always reflect reality!

Step 2. Incision Phase: Preparation of the recipient area, bald area

Step 2. Incision Phase: Preparation of the recipient area, bald area

FUE Hair Transplant consists in making numerous small incisions on the bald area. Plus, about 1 mm wide, called slits using a microblade (Dr. ARSLAN uses a Sapphire blade for the incisions to obtain a better density and less aggression to the scalp). Incisions must be made by the hair transplant specialist who knows the precise procedures. For example; for the depth of the incisions and the direction of regrowth of each bald area.

Step 3: Implantation Phase: FUE tweezers implantation technique

Step 3: Implantation Phase: FUE tweezers implantation technique

FUE Hair transplantation with tweezers implantation consists in very gently placing the micro-grafts one by one in the incisions (previously made by the doctor) using a micro tweezers or forceps. Each graft is inserted into the slit several millimeters deep. Above all, by adapting to its recipient site in a perfectly anchored and stabilized way. So that only the superficial part of the hair remains visible on the surface. For example, ultra-micro-grafts of 1 hair are preferably placed on the front edge, those containing more than 2 hairs are placed in the middle and more at the back.


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