


As is known, hair loss is not just a problem for men. Just as men experience hair loss, women may face the same problem.For men, this appearance is customary by people, but for women it may be strange to those around them. Hair thinningundermines self-confidence and there may be different reasons behind it. At this point, hair transplantation is possible for women hair loss reasons and hair transplantation in Turkeyis not only an option for men. Turkey, especially hair transplant Istanbul, hosts many women who want to have hair transplants.

How many hairs per day is normal to lose?

Whether male or female, a person loses an average of 50-100 hairs per day. However, when this number exceeds this range, it falls into the category of more than normal. Hair loss as much as the number of hair loss in the specified range is often not noticed. Because at the same time, the new hair that comes out fills the place of this hair loss.

How to notice excessive hair loss?

If the amount of your ponytail is getting smaller, your scalp is more visible than it used to be when you look in the mirror, you have noticeable empty or thinning areas in your hair, you see more hair falling out than before (on your pillow, on the table, etc.), these may be signs of excessive hair loss.


What are the main reasons of hair loss in women?

Hair loss in women can be brought together as the main reasons.

First of all, hair styles made by women can be discussed. If a hair style in the form of a tight bun, ponytail and such is constantly being made, this may cause hair loss over time. Even so, the hair that has been shed may not grow back. This is as serious a condition as male hair loss.

Another reason is highly restrictive diets. Such diets can be listed among the sudden hair loss reasons. In fact, it is known that diet in general (especially when dieting, if not enough protein is taken) can cause hair loss. Apart from diet, eating disorders should also be underlined.

Hair loss can also occur over time in the body that is not fed enough.Hormonal changes in the body are another reason. Pregnancy, menopause, and thyroid disease can cause changes in hormonal balances that lead to hair loss. Hair loss here can be temporary or permanent. It can be seen in over-processed (which is breakages) hair as well. Apart from these, excessive stress (which is generally temporary), changes in health status, chemotherapy, genetic predisposition and medications used can also be included in this list, which can also be seen in men.

Step 1. Extraction phase : Grafts Harvesting

Step 1. Extraction phase : Grafts Harvesting

In FUE hair transplant, donor area (the area where the grafts are extracted) has limits:

The number of follicles removing is determined according to the patient’s age, the potential evolution of his baldness. The limited or unlimited capacity of the donor area… The goal is not to extract at all costs a spectacular number of grafts.

For example, the patient’s age, his alopecia profile, or the capacity of the donor area. We must be careful with the arguments, put forward on websites and in some centres that are often catchy but don’t always reflect reality!

Step 2. Incision Phase: Preparation of the recipient area, bald area

Step 2. Incision Phase: Preparation of the recipient area, bald area

FUE Hair Transplant consists in making numerous small incisions on the bald area. Plus, about 1 mm wide, called slits using a microblade (Dr. ARSLAN uses a Sapphire blade for the incisions to obtain a better density and less aggression to the scalp). Incisions must be made by the hair transplant specialist who knows the precise procedures. For example; for the depth of the incisions and the direction of regrowth of each bald area.

Step 3: Implantation Phase: FUE tweezers implantation technique

Step 3: Implantation Phase: FUE tweezers implantation technique

FUE Hair transplantation with tweezers implantation consists in very gently placing the micro-grafts one by one in the incisions (previously made by the doctor) using a micro tweezers or forceps. Each graft is inserted into the slit several millimeters deep. Above all, by adapting to its recipient site in a perfectly anchored and stabilized way. So that only the superficial part of the hair remains visible on the surface. For example, ultra-micro-grafts of 1 hair are preferably placed on the front edge, those containing more than 2 hairs are placed in the middle and more at the back.



Since hair transplantation is possible for women as well, Turkey is one of the countries that are chosen among these women. Those who enter hair loss forum sites do their research and most of them apply to clinics in Turkey. In addition, transplantation can be done in every hair type. Straight, wavy or curly. It should be mentioned that hair transplantation is performed for women with afro hair. In this regard, afro hair transplant Turkey opens its doors to black women. While FUE hair transplant and DHI methods are possible for women, women who do not want to have their hair cut prefer DHI more. Under the name of hair implant Istanbul, Léa Clinic opens its doors to women who have advanced hair loss and therefore want to have hair transplantation. The clinic has hosted many female patients so far. Dr. ARSLAN Musbeh is one of the preferred names women in hair transplantation and he provides trainings on hair transplantation.
